Friday, May 15, 2020
Obesity Disease Associated With Obesity Essay - 887 Words
1. List all of the diseases noted by the movie that is associated with obesity. To receive credit, this must be a complete list. The diseases associated with obesity are the following: Heart disease, Strokes, high blood pressure, Diabetes, asthma, some cancers, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Gout, and Breathing problems such as sleep apnea. 2. Pick one in particular disease noted, and expand on it. Do the research and give etiology, signs, and symptoms. Also, list any treatments that are commonly used for this illness. Diabetes is a disease commonly associated with obesity. It affects how your body handles the sugar glucose in the bloodstream. Most of the people with diabetes have type 2. The other not so severe type is prediabetes. With this type blood glucose is above normal levels but still not high enough to be titled diabetes. Diabetics have something doctors call insulin resistance. With type 2 diabetes your pancreas makes insulin but their bodies don’t utilize it as well as they should. Sugar builds up in your blood as a result. The causes of diabetes are the following: Genetics, obesity, metabolic syndrome, excess amounts of glucose in the liver, bad communication between cells and broken beta cells. Genes are a contributor to some cases of diabetes. Scientists have uncovered bits of DNA that affect how the body makes insulin. Another cause is of course obesity. Being obese or overweight can cause insulin resistance. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are often mildShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Serious Health Condition1452 Words  | 6 PagesObesity is a serious health condition that, if left untreated, causes serious health conditions. Contrary to popular belief, obesity is more than a condition caused by overeating and lack of exercise (Vallor 2013). Obesity is a disease (Callahan 2013); a disease that Americans are spending about $150 billion on annually (Zamosky 2013). 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