Wednesday, August 19, 2020
10 College Application Essay Dos And Donts
10 College Application Essay Dos And Don'ts Instead, use experiences and situations from your adult life that reflect your character and passion for your chosen program of study. A student applying for admission to the University, who has been suspended for participation in a protest, would not be required to report such activities. In the application for admission, we do provide students with space to share more information about themselves and their particular beliefs and the activities in which they have engaged and feel are important. A generic essay can also be detected by academic administrators who have been reading essays for ages. Help the admissions officers envision each example as if they’re experiencing the situation alongside you. There’s no reason to be anything but honest in your response here. If you were downsized, let the admissions officers know. If you were working in a certain job out of necessity but are now pursuing your dreams, tell them. Show the admissions officers that you now have time in your schedule to dedicate to school. While the seeds of your reasons for returning to school may have been planted when you were younger, the admissions officers are much more interested in who you are now. It’s fine to mention briefly moments from your childhood or adolescence, but these should be limited to a phrase within a sentence. They know how unique and spectacular you are, and they can help you decide how to articulate it. Keep in mind, however, that a 45-year-old lawyer writes quite differently from an 18-year-old student, so if your dad ends up writing the bulk of your essay, we’re probably going to notice. This topic is too broad and too loaded, whether you want to write about God, your mom or best friend. “In a worldâ€, or, “Once upon a timeâ€, are not good openers. Granted, there are times when a serious tone is appropriate for your essays. In fact, trying to make light of a serious topic can sometimes backfire. While AdmitSee's findings focused specifically on applications submitted by students who were accepted to Ivy League institutions, the site has application materials for a wide variety of schools on its site. You should absolutely ask others to take a look at your essay before you submit it. Try your best to get the attention of the reader right off the bat. Admissions offices may be quick to stop paying attention if the essay is boring. Take the bold move and write something interesting. Having said that, the first line should be an indication of what the paper is about at large. To be sure, the importance of the content of your essay shouldn’t totally be dismissed. In addition, keep in mind that the admissions officers don’t know you personally, and that’s why they’re reading your essay. They want to get to know you, and the essay is your first introduction. Because of this, don’t tell them that you’re passionate about public service. Because of our holistic selection process, no student will be denied based on one element of his or her application; this includes typos. Your parents, friends, guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers are great people to bounce ideas off of for your essay. There are some mistakes that consistently show up in college admission essays that should be avoided at all costs. Beyond gaining insight into your personal psyche, the purpose of the essay is also to showcase your written communication skills. Treat this essay just like any class assignment â€" write it early, proof and revise, keep an eagle eye out for spelling and grammatical errors, and make sure it is presented in a clean and polished way. That being said, do not call our office in a panic if you discovered a missing article or a misused “its†after you hit submit. I discern your fit based precisely on your ability to tell me about that experience in a clear and meaningful way. To do so takes reflectionâ€"something any student can doâ€"and a firm grasp of the craft of writing. Now that I've pontificated about the value of humor in essays, let me illustrate -- once again, because it's one of my favorites from over the decades -- using a real-life example. Years ago, I worked with an amazing young man who came from a difficult upbringing. As we work on things, we become blind to mistakes that will be glaringly apparent to others. However, limit the number of people you ask to two or three. Asking too many people for feedback will only confuse you and result in a lower quality essay as you revise the essay according to each person’s advice. Therefore, look to individuals who have background and expertise in the college admissions process.
Monday, August 17, 2020
How To Write An Essay About Yourself
How To Write An Essay About Yourself Of course, the specifics of what qualifies as “succeed†or “bring honor†will depend a bit on the particular university, but all admissions officers share these three goals. When you apply to Penn, you must submit your application for admission to one of our four undergraduate schools. In the Penn-specific essays, be precise when explaining both why you are applying to Penn and why you have chosen to apply to that specific undergraduate school. Fortunately, you can forgo tutoring altogether and use our help instead. At the offered price range, pickings are slim, which makes our writing services stand out. Several price tiers also make it easy to find the best option for you. After I screwed up with my admissions essays for 3 colleges, I've had enough. Do not assume that, because one school uses e-mails and PDFs, that another school does as well. One of the general goals of education is to broaden people’s experiences, so that they come to realize the limits of their own intellect, and then grow beyond those limits. This helps us understand how Madison would thrive in a liberal arts academic setting with lots of flexibility where she can find the unique cross-sections of her interests. Scrap it, the decision is huge, as is the cost of tuition and tutoring you will need to write the admissions essay. A college application essay is usually around 500 words, and those words can mean the difference between acceptance and rejection. You will spend many days researching and crafting your essay, but admissions officers will only have a few minutes to actually read it, so you need to get their attention. You’ve completed all the application forms, taken all the tests, and now it’s finally time to impress your university’s admission officers with a great college application essay. Madison’s fun writing style left the admissions committee entertained, but more importantly gave us insight into her outlook and personality. The essay illustrates her joy in trying new things and having diverse interests. The admissions officers will only spend a brief amount of time reviewing your essay, so you need to start with a vivid paragraph that will keep them engaged. The introduction has to reveal to the reader what your essay is about and catch their attention. You could open with an anecdote or an interesting story that will show some of the best parts of your personality and character, offering an insight that will help the admission officers get to know who you are. While you research your application essay, you will be encouraged to check out some examples of great essays and get inspired. While this is a great exercise, many students allow themselves to be influenced too much by the examples, and use lots of clichés in their desire to impress the admission officers. Again, a sentence or two should be enough to accomplish this goal. In your college admissions essay, you want to portray yourself as a student who will meet those needs. As an international student, you offer other students an opportunity for cultural diversity. As with Tip #3, it is not enough to assume the college admissions board will recognize this benefit. With the writing team counting almost 4K professionals of exceptional creativity and wit, it's easy to match you with the right fit. College admissions essays require a tremendous amount of work. As you work and rework the essay, pay attention to the admission deadlines and requirements. Every school has their own system for how and when to file your application. I'm not proud of it, but getting professional writing help really seemed a go-to solution back then. We work with some of the most talented writers who craft model essays for students.
19 Best Admissions Essay Images
19 Best Admissions Essay Images Your essay must be your own work, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help polishing it. Even though in many ways these sample college essays are very different from one other, they do share some traits you should try to emulate as you write your own essay. Overall, the college application process can be a stressful and daunting time, but the college essay is something that should somewhat be a fun personal project. The rest of the college application is solely based on numbers like your test scores, transcripts, and more â€" but the essay is your chance to shine and show that you are different from the rest. Only those students who have more than 20 college preparatory courses may have the Office of the Registrar consider for Rice credit their college courses taken in high school. For more information about the transfer credit process, please visit the Transfer Credit page. For more information about the AP transfer credit process, please visit the Advanced Placement Credit page. The counselor letter of recommendation serves to highlight the accomplishments of a student within the context of their high school. The letter must come from an applicant’s assigned school counselor, college counselor, principal, or headmaster. Students may initiate applications to other colleges under nonbinding plans but must withdraw those applications if admitted to Rice. Students who apply Early Decision must submit their materials by November 1. I wrote about how those things impacted my identity as an Indian woman. In another, I wrote about how I went from competitive swimming, to lifeguarding, to teaching lessons, to starting a program for free swim lessons for underprivileged kids in my area. It was interesting to go back at the end and see what I had written, summing up my entire life for 17 years. Transfer credit will not be awarded for courses included on a student’s high school transcript and used to satisfy high school graduation requirements, i.e. dual credit courses. A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Basically, I would get to do what I love for the rest of my life. He laughed and told me that it was a nice change that a seventeen-year-old knew so specifically what she wanted to do. But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to become a Fixer-Upper. So, maybe I'll be like Sue Storm and her alter-ego, the Invisible Woman. I'll do one thing during the day, then spend my off-hours helping people where I can. Instead of flying like Sue, though, I'll opt for a nice performance automobile. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. I've picked two essays from the examples collected above to examine in more depth so that you can see exactly what makes a successful college essay work. Full credit for these essays goes to the original authors and the schools that published them. Want to write the perfect college application essay? No spelling mistakes, no grammar weirdness, no syntax issues, no punctuation snafusâ€"each of these sample college essays has been formatted and proofread perfectly. If this kind of exactness is not your strong suit, you're in luck! All colleges advise applicants to have their essays looked over several times by parents, teachers, mentors, and anyone else who can spot a comma splice. Applicants will not be disadvantaged if their high school structure and counselor’s caseload does not allow students the opportunity to build a personal relationship with their counselor. As is consistent with our holistic review, students will be given full consideration with the information they have provided regardless of their decision to submit their test scores. Early Decision is a binding decision plan designed for students who have selected Rice as their first choice. Admission decisions will be released by mid-December. Shepherd School of Music ApplicantsApplicants interested in Shepherd School of Music must submit additional materials depending on their area of study. It can either be very dramatic (did you survive a plane crash?) or it can be completely mundane (did you finally beat your dad at Scrabble?). Either way, it should be personal and revealing about you, your personality, and the way you are now that you are entering the adult world. When senior year arrived, college meetings began, and my counselor asked me what I wanted to do for a career, I didn't say Emperor of the World. Instead, I told him I wanted to become a board-certified behavior analyst. All application materials must be completed by December 1. Music applicants are not eligible to apply through QuestBridge or Early Decision. Admitted students must pursue the music program for at least one year before changing schools. For more information, please visit the Shepherd School of Music Admission page. All of these essays rely on connecting with the reader through a heartfelt, highly descriptive scene from the author's life.
Buy Admission Essay Online At Professional Writing Service
Buy Admission Essay Online At Professional Writing Service But reading the Junie B. Jones books taught me to connect in different ways with other texts. I knew what to look for, what it felt like, and I desired to find that connection in other places. Junie opened my eyes to a world of possibilities, and saved my dad a neck cramp from sleeping at a weird angle. However, through my entire high school life, I was not allowed to have a conversation in classes. Making friends was never an easy feat for me, but at the Summer Academy, I found everyone I talked to felt like we had been friends for years. I made an even more intimate group of friends who I still keep in touch with because they are more than friends to me, they are family. What excites me about St. John’s the most is that I have some previous exposure and that familiarity will improve both my understanding of these texts as well as my ability to discuss them. I have already read some of the books in the curriculum once, and so now I will be able to ‘read a book,’ during my second round of reading and discussion at St. John’s. My junior year in particular was my most interesting round of humanities. Home is the feeling of being comfortable with the uncertainty and uncomfortable situations. The feeling of being involved, nervous and excited all at the same time. The most important aspect about the Summer Academy was finding my people, the ones who talked about Nietzsche and Plato at lunch and had long debates and poetry slams after Seminar. In my pursuit to find a catch, I could only find nothing. Unlike other colleges with special course requirements, unstable administration, and strange traditional customs such as Freshman not being able to say the word ‘duck’, I found complete and absolute nothing. I signed up for more information; they stayed true to the image and personality of the college. I visited the Santa Fe campus and experienced classes, the campus, and the people. Surprisingly enough I made friends within 20 minutes of being on campus. I loved stories, and I liked scribbling on pages and pretending to write books, but turning the pages of other people’s words never caught my attention. This double life that I live now is so different from what it was in the beginning, when I was a normal kindergartner, just like the heroine. It wasn’t like reading Plato, or studying Mark Twain, where I feel cultured and empowered, adventurous and brave. My favorite protagonist and I grew up together until I moved on from the third grade, finally outgrowing that special connection. I was in Kindergarten when I got my first Junie B. Jones book. I couldn’t read it by myself yet, and my dad was in the middle of the first Harry Potter book, so the pick checkered cover was put on a shelf. When I was six, we moved, and a box of my books turned up in my new room. I collected the series, and when I finished with the ones I had, I reread them and begged for more. Before the series, I had no real interest in books. The Junie B. Jones series, by Barbara Park, was my real introduction to reading on my own. Before the B, as in Beatrice, I was content to have my dad read to me until he fell asleep. I was able to share my obsession with reading and the knowledge I gathered on any subject I put my mind to. After I came home, I knew I needed more information. I wanted to know more, I wanted to experience it myself. The summer after my Junior year I signed up for a Summer Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. I immediately found my people and a continual comfort of my environment which automatically equated to the feeling of being home. I love that teachers and students alike go by the simple formal address. This practice helps to foster an atmosphere of respect and equality in the classroom, giving students the confidence to take intellectual risks. The students’ intellectual freedom lived on outside the classroom, inspiring our discussions of the readings over breakfast, during our afternoon free period, and during our evening group meetings. Being quiet was the unspoken rule of manner and etiquette, where the dominance of the teacher to teach and submission of student to learn by observation was naturally accepted by all members of every class. Not only that, for me, saying aloud my ideas helps me to better understand and clarify my thoughts, and thus myself. It focused entirely on Greek works, starting with Homer and the playwrights, transitioning into Thucydides, and then on to Plato and Aristotle. I enjoyed reading and discussing these works very much. St. John’s is appealing because I will get to read some of my favorite texts for a second time, as well as many new works. My favorite aspect of studying at St. John’s was the environment of free discussion.
Friday, August 14, 2020
26 Outstanding College Essay Examples 2020
26 Outstanding College Essay Examples 2020 Sophomore year, I started an engineering club and found that I had a talent for managing people and encouraging them to create an idea even if it failed. I also learned how to take feedback and become more resilient. Here, I could nerd-out about warp drives and the possibility of anti-matter without being ignored. I would give a weekly report on new technology and we would have hour-long conversations about the various uses a blacker material could have. I began spending more time in our garage, carefully constructing planes from sheets of foam. For the first time, it looks past the silver fence of the cage and notices an unkempt sweep of colossal brown and green grasses opposite its impeccably crafted surroundings. Cautiously, it inches closer to the barrier, farther from the unbelievable perfection of the farm, and discovers a wide sea of black gravel. Stained with gray stones and marked with yellow lines, it separates the chicken from the opposite field. Now my friends in Switzerland come to me asking me for advice and help, and I feel as if I am a vital member of our community. My close friend Akshay recently started stressing about whether his parents were going to get divorced. With John’s advice, I started checking in on Akshay, spending more time with him, and coaching him before and after he talked to his parents. I started playing basketball, began working on a CubeSAT, learned to program, changed my diet, and lost all the weight I had gained. She just wants to protect me from losing it all.†The chicken replays the incident again. A fissure in the chicken’s unawareness, a plan begins to hatch. The chicken knows it must escape; it has to get to the other side. The chicken--confused, betrayed, disturbed--slowly lifts its eyes from the now empty ground. Over time, I found it difficult being my family’s glue. I wanted back the family I had before the restaurant--the one that ate Luchi Mongsho together every Sunday night. Over the next two years, things were at times still hard, but gradually improved. My parents decided to start anew, took some time apart, then got back together. I started to make new friends with more people at my school and was surprised to find out that 90% of their parents were divorced. Because we faced similar issues, we were able to support one and other, share tactics, and give advice. I found purpose balancing the fuselage or leveling the ailerons to precisely 90 degrees. I loved cutting new parts and assembling them perfectly. But at times I still had to emotionally support my mom to avoid sudden India trips, or put my siblings to bed if my parents weren’t home at night. I felt as if I was Edgar in Shakespeare’s King Lear and this could not get worse, but yet it did. Saudi Arabia in the 2000s wasn’t the most ideal place to grow up. I was always scared of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda. One of my friends, John, gave me advice on how to help my mother emotionally by showing her love, something I hadn’t been able to do before. My friends gave me a family and a home, when my own family was overwhelmed and my home was gone. After 14 years of living in a region destroyed by violence, I was sent away to boarding school in a region known for peace, Switzerland. That year my father was found guilty and imprisoned for the charges related to his Army support contract. My school was part of the US Consulate in Dhahran, and when I was in the 8th grade it was threatened by ISIS. In high school, I slowly began to forge a community of creators with my peers. My mom started to pick me up from activities on time and my dad and I bonded more, watching Warriors and 49ers games. Not long ago, I would have fallen apart at the presence of any uncertainty. As I further accept and advance new life skills, the more I realize how much remains uncertain in the world.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Essay Prompts
Essay Prompts It's okay to expand on points you only mentioned in passing in other parts of the application, but make sure you are adding new information and presenting it in an engaging, creative way. For example, maybe you're a creative thinker, or a great problem-solver. Emphasize this in your essay by writing about a time that those qualities helped you in your day-to-day life. Your admission essay lets you personalize your application. The writing sample you submit will be considered in both the admission and competitive scholarship selection process. Be sure to include your full name on each page of your submission. Give yourself at least a week to write the essay and don’t postpone. Try to break your work into several parts and devote some time to writing your essay daily. You might be tempted to try to make the admissions officer who is reading your essay laugh. Humor is a great way to make friends or break the ice with someone new, but you should try not to rely on it in your admissions essay. You have no way of knowing what the admissions officer's sense of humor is like, and you don't want to run the risk of a joke falling flat or, even worse, offending someone. Once you've brainstormed a list of ideas, choose one as the theme of your essay. After reading my donor’s essay, she chose him because he spoke so eloquently about his passion for music and the arts. Most college essay topics will be assigned to you by the Common App or whatever university you're applying to. If you're trying to think of ways to answer prompts, try making a brag sheet of things you've done or accomplished that you were proud of. Reflecting on those experiences could give you plenty of material to write about. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. When I was in second grade, I read the essay for the first time and learned the donor was a professional musician and an accomplished guitar player. This knowledge was the catalyst for me to begin exploring my own musical abilities. Focusing on one theme helps keep your essay organized and to the point. Like any essay, the college admissions essay should have a clear thesis that summarizes your main ideas and presents your theme in an engaging way. Your essay also shouldn't just repeat things that you've already listed elsewhere on your application. Tell the admissions officer something they can't learn about you from the other paperwork you've filled out. We always aim to provide you with an outstanding service and a great admissions essay. We believe in providing the best value for money and we will write your admissions essay for as cheap as we possibly can without compromising on quality. It is easy to buy an admissions essay from Academized. Simply fill in the online order form telling us the question, length and any additional guidelines. In addition to pursuing instrumental music, I began singing in theatre and in an a cappella group. Eerily similar to the college application process, there were many qualified donor applicants. Choosing one donor from the pool of applicants was an insurmountable task for my mom until she realized there was an essay buried in the back of each profile. Perhaps it was subconscious at the time, but while many of my elementary school friends were playing sports with their dads, I was looking for a way to connect to my donor through music. During middle school and high school, my enthusiasm for music and performing accelerated in tandem with my talent. I quickly learned to play the clarinet and joined the elementary school band. As soon as I was physically big enough to carry around a mini Fender electric guitar, I begged to take guitar lessons.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
5 College Essay Topics You Should Never, Ever Write About
5 College Essay Topics You Should Never, Ever Write About While many students stress over their essays, it's important to remember that this is just one component of the admissions process, and rarely the decisive factor. That doesn't mean that the essay is unimportant; it does give you an opportunity to directly make your case to the admissions committee. Just keep a healthy perspective on its relative importance as you write. The essay is an opportunity to impress an admissions team that may be on the fence regarding your application. While much of the application review process is automated, the essay is an opportunity for students to be evaluated on their creativity and personal experiences. Mitch Warren, the director of admissions at Purdue University, drives this point home. Many universities require an essay from students when they apply to university. One recent report showed that US universities rated the application essay as highly important in making admissions decisions for international students. The college essay is often the most difficult part of preparing your application. To help you get off to a good start, we’ve put together the following tips and hints. Admissions officers like Warren are excited to admit students who are passionate, creative, gritty, and driven. One mistake Warren has seen is students who submit the same essay to multiple schools without changing the name of the university in their essay. A student's narrative can help admissions officers understand how their storyline intersects with the institution's purpose. Many schools do not require an essay, and in cases where it's optional, some applicants skip it. A powerful essay can provde the greatest likelihood to get into the school of your goals. Every year, millions of high school graduates apply for admissions in a handful of elite colleges and universities across the globe. And they all have one question in common, â€" How to write that brilliant college essay that would get me an admission? To be honest, writing a good college admission essay is not a walk in the park, but it isn’t rocket science either. While any average Joe can write a semi decent college essay, it takes the right mix of guidance, planning and practice to come up with an impressive essay. How all questions are open to discussion in class made my soul comfortable, even questions like “I don’t even know why we have to demonstrate this formula†as one of her classmates said according to her diary. It seemed to me asking was not a shameful or interruptive act. At Princeton College Consulting, our mission is to help students navigate the complex world of college admissions. We are proud that over 93% of our students gained admission to one of their 3 top-choice colleges. If you are in need of personalized, one-on-one assistance completing your application, schedule a free 30-minute consultation. My actual first time, however, to learn about the college was on an ex-St. Despite the fact that I found the blog for travel content, I was immediately fascinated by the college where the daughter (she announced herself as “Ms. Cho†in St. John’s College) of the family member went. These are comments from our admissions staff who actually read your essays and evaluate them in the admission process. We can’t guarantee results, but this advice might help you get started. When I tell people about St. John’s College, I usually explain I learned about it from an Educational Broadcasting System documentary video called, “Why Do We Go to Collegeâ€. She had kept a journal about her time at St. John’s College since she was a freshman . Thanks to her, I could experience St. John’s College indirectly since the very first day through her eyes, from the first picture of Santa Fe airport to her fantastic St. John’s College life. Even though it was depicted from her perspective, St. John’s College filled me full of awe. The first thing that captured my heart was, of course, the 100% discussion-based classes with students engaged with one another in the pure joy of learning. Especially, the math class she portrayed was exactly all I ever wanted. In a sea of in any other case identical college applications, your college software essay offers you a chance to show why you deserve a coveted spot at your most well-liked university. Giving your self plenty of time, focusing on the specific particulars of your life, and showcasing your unique character will help you craft the right school software essay. If your essay has a theme, weave that theme throughout the essay. It is better for college admissions essays to be straightforward without literary flourishes than to include them, but poorly. Finally, do not underestimate the importance of proofreading.These errors are glaring and distract the reader from the message that you are conveying in your college admissions essays. When you sit down to write a college application essay, just remember that this is an opportunity to show who you are as a student and who you can become at a university.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Writing Tips
Writing Tips War Satire as a sub-genre is of particular importance. The seriousness of war, literally life and death, makes it a subject people tend to develop core values around. Being overtly anti-war could cause you and your message to be immediately dismissed by those that view an anti-war stance as anti-troop or anti-patriotic. The poor pay the price while the rich reap the benefit. By using satire to infiltrate the minds that would not be receptive to direct anti-war messages, we allow the anti-war messages to form in the readers’ own heads. As a result of reading this book and the Meno, I have a much different perspective on how knowledge comes into being and how it is communicated, or in the case of my public education, not communicated. I find it very intriguing that with the right story and progression, anyone can be led to not only a deeper understanding of a subject but also a greater appreciation for one. We use these building blocks of math and numbers all of the time and yet we do not truly stop to think about what they are or why they work the way they do. Like other fantasy writers who go by initials, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, Rowling summons foreign phrases, literary devices, and language jokes, and transfigures them into clever names for her characters, objects, and places. The works of Tolkien and Lewis reflect their authors’ knowledge of philology, but can veer into pretentiousness. Rowling seems to want as many readers as possible to share in the fun -- slogging through ancient Gobbledegook epics is not required. Miss Rumphius was patient and listened to herself, and so could find her place by the sea. My mother read me Miss Rumphius regularly before bed and from the redheaded heroine’s delicate tale, I crafted not only my goals in life, but my approach to adulthood as well. For every book I read I find myself adding at least three more to my reading list, whether they inspired the author or were inspired by him. The most beautiful things in the world are ideas, constantly changing, altered by experience and learning. I am unable to say that any one book is important to me, all I can say is that Catch-22 is important to me today and hope to discover the book that will be important to me tomorrow. I invite St. John’s to help me find that book, and perhaps I will be able to help someone else find their’s. The student intuited that one would simply double the side lengths of the square but in reality that would quadruple the area of the square. The prompt for this essay was “Discuss a book that has particular significance for you. What effect does it have on what you think or how you think? I can’t help but think that if more people read Descartes, Plato, and maybe even the U.S. Constitution, we’d have a higher level of political discourse and a better government. This may not have hit me with the same depth at age five as it does now, but looking back at Miss Rumphius, I can see the sowing of my current thought processes. The main character is the narrator’s great aunt, not her mother or grandmother. There is no mention of her being involved romantically, marrying, or even considering a family - she is unapologetically independent. Despite this, there is a calm joy in her independence, and her adventures to faraway places seem to fill her life with meaning. I have longed for this freedom all my life, and it has been my ultimate goal in pursuing colleges, careers, mentors, and even social circles. The narrator is a niece, so Miss Rumphius had to have had a sibling, but the young Alice speaks only of her aunt, and so was born my dreams of being an inspirational aunt myself. We let talking heads and sound bites guide our politics, our philosophy, and our way of life. Whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, a talking head is a talking head, and a blind decision is a blind decision, no matter what choice you make. †Every bit of art, knowledge, thought, and opinion has value and can change a person. If you really care about ideas, explaining why one is important is almost impossible because every idea intersects with and plays off of other ideas. I was one of those very people and I would be lying if I said that I fully appreciate math for what it is. Only through my own curiosity and self-motivated research have I learned to appreciate more than I had before. Surreal Numbers by Knuth helped me put what numbers are into more perspective. It is a rather slim book, yet because of its density it takes awhile to read in order to understand what it says. In Plato’s Meno (thanks for sending!), Socrates posed an ingenious question to his student about how to double the area of a square.
What Colleges Require Admission Essays? And Which Ones Require Supplemental Essays?
What Colleges Require Admission Essays? And Which Ones Require Supplemental Essays? If your own essay is coming up a bit short, turn to essays like the one above as a model. Populate your writing with rich and meaningful scenery, and plunge deeply into what that setting reveals about you and your dreams. Now, I have no idea if some of these details are true to this student’s life. Surely, some of the facts are wrong, so this writer would have to adjust this revision to fit the truth. Be as honest as possible, and your chances of being enrolled in a college or university will increase exponentially. It is also a good idea to provide recommendations from individuals who taught you at the high school. This article should help you gain some important insights into admission essay writing. It will also provide you with enlightening clues on how to come up with it in several easy-to-follow steps and why use our admission essay writing service with its excellent custom written papers. Never send an essay to one school with the name of another school in the text! This happens, and it’s a serious turn off to admission committees. Always have someone proofread your essayâ€"particularly a professor or someone familiar with admission essays. The key to writing an essay worth reading is writing an essay that has not been written before. It needs to be your own story, not the story you think they want to hear. You’ve received your admission letter, checked out your major and started celebrating with family and friends. Google the phrase “college admissions essay,†and more than 6 million results come back. At the top you’ll find countless samples of “essays that worked†and all sorts of tips on what to do in order to get that acceptance letter in the mail. Our application essay help service values reviews and honest feedback. We encourage our customers to tell us what their experience was like. We also always do our very best to take constructive feedback into consideration and improve the quality of our work for our future customers to enjoy the process of cooperating with us. In case you have any feedback about your experience with our writing service - feel free to share it with us. To make enrollment official, check out information for newly admitted students to get everything you need to start your academic career at UMD. The essay provides you with the opportunity to showcase aspects of your personality and experiences that fit well with the University of Maryland community. One of my favorite things about writing is that there is no right or wrong answer. An essay isn’t a scantron that you have to correctly bubble in or risk some computer incorrectly grading you. You can’t just play eenie miney moe and hope for the best. It’s written by one individual and read by another. This means that you are going to have to do more than throw in a few SAT words to impress them. When considering your approach to your essay, take time to think about your answer, making it creative and succinct. You can review some helpful essay writing tips provided by The Coalition for College. Log into your admissions application account to verify the status of your application. Like the Honor Scholar Program itself, these essays address a variety of topics and represent different kinds of opportunities for thought. This is particularly true of job seekers who simply can't do without cover letters. Try making certain that you meet the requirements of the program to which you are applying. The topics may touch on sensitive issues; they may challenge you to think in ways to which you are not accustomed. Because creativity and analytical ability are part of the essence of our program, we think that you will find these essays both challenging and rewarding to consider and write about. Let's have a closer look at every stage of the ordering process that will fulfill all your essay needs and help you enter your college life. Remember that being able to write a compelling admission essay is a vital skill that will stand you in good stead even after graduation.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
4 Steps For Writing A Great College Admission Essay
4 Steps For Writing A Great College Admission Essay Whatever you write, make sure that the message that is clearly conveyed is about who you are. One of the biggest don’ts from an admission counselor perspective is to use the wrong college name in the essay. Lots of students write one essay and send it to several colleges. There is nothing wrong with that as long as you are following the guidelines that particular college has set for you. Don’t bore the reader; that is key to your success. Get it wrong and you might find yourself being wait listed or turned down altogether. A great admissions essay is one that follows the guidelines set out by the admissions board and tells them why they want you. If you are lost and need guidance on writing your application essay, you can get professional help from online writing services providers. One such provider is Paper Per Hour, a team of writers, editors and proofreaders who can help you out with the writing of your essay. All you need to do is place an order, stating what kind of help you need. I think that the biggest trap that students fall into is to write about someone or something that influenced them , and then spend the entire essay telling the admissions office about their Great-Aunt Fanny. I am sure that Fanny was a lovely women, but the point of the essay is to tell us about you. Your should Write with you own personality and characters. Look things from a different angle will make you stand out from rest of tons of essays. Do not write your essay especially your PS in the last minute so that you have plenty of time to revise and to think. Don’t write too much on your achievement, in stead, you should focusing on how to let AO see your accomplishment from your words. The topic of your essay does not really matter, as long as you avoid the over-used topics- i.e. scoring the winning goal, my summer of community service. Other topics that might be considered “inappropriate†touch on Sex, Religion and Politics. You do not want to inadvertently offend your reader, so you need to also curb your use of “taboo†language. The instructions should include the college admission essay topic in order for us to understand how best to provide the help you need. Below are examples of college admission essays written by ghostwriters. The admission essays guaranteed the students a place in some of the prestigious colleges in the United States. goes on to suggest write that you can make an admissions essay interesting by writing it like a piece of fiction or an autobiography. These essays that worked helped dozens of students enter colleges of their dreams. Now, they study in some of the most prestigious educational institutions and reach new academic heights on a daily basis. Admissions essays are one of the most important essays you will write. Get it right and you will be rolling in offers from top colleges and universities. Challenge the reader by speaking directly to him/her. put the reader in medias res, that is, in the middle of things. If what you write is logical, easy to follow, and phrased correctly, you can afford to experiment with your delivery. For example, write your admissions essay on a Saturday morning and then don't look at it again until Sunday or Monday night. After writing it, you'll have a better idea of what you actually wanted to say. It will be obvious after some time away where you're saying what you mean and what areas need work. Your essay should be one that only you could write- it needs to reflect who you are. Better to impress admission with your personal qualities. By the way, you can find some college admission essay examples on our website.
Five Examples Of Transfer Apply Texas Essay A Statement Of Purpose
Five Examples Of Transfer Apply Texas Essay A Statement Of Purpose Besides, the prompt gives your piece backbone and direction; it’s a useful structuring tool. Danny’s core focus is on helping young people get the best advice, and be the best students they can be. EssayFreelanceWriters.Com is a highly respected company that is recognized based on the quality of the admission essays that it provides to its clients. EssayFreelanceWriters.Com is the leading company largely recognized for the highly proficient admission essay writing services. Admission essays are very important because they determine your rejection or acceptance by the university/college of your choice. Graduating high school is an accomplishment, always filled with additional successes along the way. You worked hard, now is the time to showcase your hard-won talents and wins. Our application essay help service values reviews and honest feedback. We encourage our customers to tell us what their experience was like. We also always do our very best to take constructive feedback into consideration and improve the quality of our work for our future customers to enjoy the process of cooperating with us. Trying to “cheat†the prompt by quickly writing about what was asked of you, and then going on to write about what you really want to say is not going to help you in the long run. So do yourself a favor and stick to that promptâ€"it’s what the college wants to know about you. That is why you can trust our writers and be sure that all of our essays come out unique and custom-made. This means that you are going to have to do more than throw in a few SAT words to impress them. Log into your admissions application account to verify the status of your application. If there is anything else you feel we should know about you that has not been covered in this application, please add a personal statement following your essay. Many of our students broadly explore the connections across WashU’s five undergraduate divisions and three graduate schools and engage with the community before declaring a major. In case you have any feedback about your experience with our writing service - feel free to share it with us. You’ve received your admission letter, checked out your major and started celebrating with family and friends. To make enrollment official, check out information for newly admitted students to get everything you need to start your academic career at UMD. Students who have been out of school for several years or who have a personal circumstance that affected performance, may wish to address that situation in their essay. Like the Honor Scholar Program itself, these essays address a variety of topics and represent different kinds of opportunities for thought. His team of professionals are also personal coaches, and great people, driven by the same passion for helping people. A good story has a beginning, a middle and an end. On your college application essay, use the first paragraph as an introduction, and the last paragraph as your conclusion that wraps everything up. Let the story build and flow to its natural conclusion. FLEX is a premier college prep company with more than 18 years of history helping families and students to achieve their college dreams. The key to writing an essay worth reading is writing an essay that has not been written before. It needs to be your own story, not the story you think they want to hear. It’s a service that helps you write an admission essay when you want to get enrolled at a higher institution. Writing an admission essay can be challenging; that’s why having a team of experienced writers can be very handy if you want to secure a place at your chosen institution. That isn’t to say you should be cocky or boastful, however. All the same, if you campaigned hard and worked to get policies changed in your time as class president, talk about it! If you practiced extra hours to shave a few seconds off of your personal swimming record, talk about it! If you formed a club, if you were the lead in a school play, if you got a 4.0, if you won the school talent showâ€"this is your time to showcase it. First and foremost, write what they want you to write. This cheap essay writing service is created for people who are dreaming to improve their academic performance. For those who have a desire to receive only high marks and praises of their teachers. If this sounds familiar to you, you are welcomed to make your first order and get your admission essay help. Our support team checks each and every essay written by our writers for plagiarism, so all of our works are unique, and there's no plagiarism in there.
4 Common Types Of Essays You
4 Common Types Of Essays You You can contact me for samples as I collect great essays from the students with whom I work. Most, if not all, high school and college standardized tests include a writing portion. Students are provided a writing prompt and must then write an essay on the topic. Writing for standardized tests can strike fear in the hearts and minds of students of all ages, but it doesn’t have to. If you know what to expect and understand how to write a five paragraph essay, you will be prepared to tackle any essay writing prompt. Prompt’s Essay Specialists reviewed 13,000 admissions essays in 2018, helping thousands of students submit their applications with confidence. A great essay tells a a unique story that communicates key qualities you can offer the college. That is why a great college essay is personal.This great essay is very visual and helps make you become 3-D for the reader. It starts right away with a specific story from running a marathon in the rain to spilling water on customersâ€"twiceâ€" and keeps us engaged from the first word to the last. there are different stages for the admissions process. normally essay does not read more than one person unless the vote must proceed and admission counselors decided to work hard for the students they like the most. This is a tough question to answer as there is no way to know for sure. At a smaller school, it is more likely that the admissions officers will have the time to look at each essay, whereas at huge universities it would seem less likely. Often they are read in committee where several officers might look at one essay. If you want to know how you will be assessed at any given school, you should feel free to ask the admissions office. Based on my experience, we read every essay at the institutions were I served. Typically, applications received two reads and a third if the decisions were split. Sit down with your folks and talk about your family and your “growing-up†years. Make sure when you write your essay that you don’t just ramble on and on. Follow the five-paragraph or a modified version of that format. A great college essay grabs your attention from the first sentence. It takes readers into, through, and beyond the story in 500 words or less. You will need a catchy introduction where you pull in your reader, supportive examples, and then a wonderful conclusion where you pull everything together and leave the reader with a smile, a tear, or a wow. The essay really gives you an opportunity to be creative. Allow yourself time and don’t throw it together right at the end. With all the competition trying to get into the good schools, your essay could make the difference. when admissions season started, it is not easy to read hundreds of essay during a short period of time. in the mean time, between 5-10 min is actually reasonable for a good read. In terms of how many officers read each essay, that also varies from school to school. Some read regionally which means that one officer reads all the applications from all the high schools in a certain geographic region. She took the reader through the stages of loving, hating, being disappointed, ashamed and finally acceptance, understanding and again loving while “Dad†was going through treatment. She allowed herself to be vulnerable which made the essay dynamite. Another student talked about the struggles of having learning disabilities and the pain that he experienced during his educational career. You might think, “I don’t have anything like that.†All of us have experiences that have impacted our lives.
How To Write An Effective College Admission Essay
How To Write An Effective College Admission Essay The prompt for this essay was “Discuss a book that has particular significance for you. What effect does it have on what you think or how you think? †Every bit of art, knowledge, thought, and opinion has value and can change a person. If you really care about ideas, explaining why one is important is almost impossible because every idea intersects with and plays off of other ideas. For every book I read I find myself adding at least three more to my reading list, whether they inspired the author or were inspired by him. Being overtly anti-war could cause you and your message to be immediately dismissed by those that view an anti-war stance as anti-troop or anti-patriotic. The poor pay the price while the rich reap the benefit. By using satire to infiltrate the minds that would not be receptive to direct anti-war messages, we allow the anti-war messages to form in the readers’ own heads. Unhealthy diets and alcohol-fueled accidents are leading causes of death. We let talking heads and sound bites guide our politics, our philosophy, and our way of life. Whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, a talking head is a talking head, and a blind decision is a blind decision, no matter what choice you make. Surreal Numbers by Knuth helped me put what numbers are into more perspective. It is a rather slim book, yet because of its density it takes awhile to read in order to understand what it says. In Plato’s Meno (thanks for sending!), Socrates posed an ingenious question to his student about how to double the area of a square. The student intuited that one would simply double the side lengths of the square but in reality that would quadruple the area of the square. Lewis, Rowling summons foreign phrases, literary devices, and language jokes, and transfigures them into clever names for her characters, objects, and places. The works of Tolkien and Lewis reflect their authors’ knowledge of philology, but can veer into pretentiousness. Rowling seems to want as many readers as possible to share in the fun -- slogging through ancient Gobbledegook epics is not required. As a result of reading this book and the Meno, I have a much different perspective on how knowledge comes into being and how it is communicated, or in the case of my public education, not communicated. Despite this, there is a calm joy in her independence, and her adventures to faraway places seem to fill her life with meaning. I have longed for this freedom all my life, and it has been my ultimate goal in pursuing colleges, careers, mentors, and even social circles. The narrator is a niece, so Miss Rumphius had to have had a sibling, but the young Alice speaks only of her aunt, and so was born my dreams of being an inspirational aunt myself. Miss Rumphius was patient and listened to herself, and so could find her place by the sea. My mother read me Miss Rumphius regularly before bed and from the redheaded heroine’s delicate tale, I crafted not only my goals in life, but my approach to adulthood as well. Like other fantasy writers who go by initials, J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. I can’t help but think that if more people read Descartes, Plato, and maybe even the U.S. Constitution, we’d have a higher level of political discourse and a better government. This may not have hit me with the same depth at age five as it does now, but looking back at Miss Rumphius, I can see the sowing of my current thought processes. The most beautiful things in the world are ideas, constantly changing, altered by experience and learning. I am unable to say that any one book is important to me, all I can say is that Catch-22 is important to me today and hope to discover the book that will be important to me tomorrow. I invite St. John’s to help me find that book, and perhaps I will be able to help someone else find their’s. War Satire as a sub-genre is of particular importance. The seriousness of war, literally life and death, makes it a subject people tend to develop core values around. The main character is the narrator’s great aunt, not her mother or grandmother. There is no mention of her being involved romantically, marrying, or even considering a family - she is unapologetically independent. I find it very intriguing that with the right story and progression, anyone can be led to not only a deeper understanding of a subject but also a greater appreciation for one. We use these building blocks of math and numbers all of the time and yet we do not truly stop to think about what they are or why they work the way they do. I was one of those very people and I would be lying if I said that I fully appreciate math for what it is. Only through my own curiosity and self-motivated research have I learned to appreciate more than I had before.
How Many Paragraphs In An Essay?
How Many Paragraphs In An Essay? No matter how many times we organize, a week after the last effort I’ll come across a scientific cookbook next to a German-English dictionary (Cassell’s) and Isaac Asimov’sGuide to Shakespeare. The only bookcase in my house I can reliably locate things on contains my Doctor Who novels, whatever Shakespeare plays I haven’t taken out, and a selection of classic sci-fi. The biggest moment of clarity that occurred through a book came from my ethics class. We read David Hume’Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.In it, Hume argues that sentiment is the principle of morality and not reason. This was the complete opposite anything I had seen argued before. Then, why this way is or isn’t working or linked causes me to ponder continuously. For me, the process of learning is full of wonderful and surprising events. As I go with the flow of thinking, I often find myself at far-off place from where I originally started. Sometimes pieces of thought which seem to be completely irrelevant to one another, before I know become connected and make one amazing, completed puzzle of my own making. These unexpected enlightenments, which I call my “Ah-ha†moments, give me butterflies and make my heart flutter. These moments mean so much more to me than memorizing other people’s ideas for exam results. Therefore, the “Ah-ha†moment that gets me excited cannot be overridden by artificial number in my report which my school thinks is so important. Lack of love causes loneliness, and I think the reason I have been lonely in pursuit of learning is because of a lack of love from the people who love what “I loveâ€. On a Saturday halfway into my first semester at Smith, my friend and I went in search of a study room. We visited three academic buildings that afternoon. Although there are no majors or concentrations in St. John’s, I feel that the Great Books curriculum was created to perfectly suit my interestsâ€"approaching the social sciences with a philosophical lens. Not more than two years later my literature teacher gave me as an extra reading the book Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder. The book accomplished its objective and, with ease and short chapters of many philosophers, introduced me to the world of the big questions and the pursuit of truth. At some point, after reading it, I felt like Sophie as I wondered about my beliefs and values and about the world. In my St. John’s story, we are not only discovering adventure, but we are uncovering meanings, dimensions, countless wonders, questions, and even some answers. The night is young, the tea is still warm, the interest is fresh. I considered feelings something to be controlled by reason. Yet here was Hume, acting like reason didn’t matter. Describe your reading habits and discuss an aspect of a particular book that has been important in shaping your thoughts. Whenever I encounter something new, as my math teacher said, I have a habit of viewing it with the suspicious eyes. Almost without exception, every room we peeked into was packed with those little chairs that Will Ferrell squeezes himself into in Elf, the ones with the little writing shelf attached. On a philosophical basis, I chafe against the competitive, individualistic approach to learning that these desks represent. On a physical basis, at six-foot-two, I can barely fit behind them. St. John’s college not only interests me, but draws me in very strongly because it combines in the most natural way, the study of politics and philosophy. Plato and Thomas Aquinas, for instance, had both made reason and integral part of morality. Aquinas’s view is known as Moral Rationalism for a reason. When we read Plato in class, I had agreed with him. I am excited about being able to break down and analyze the great philosophers and scientific minds of history, and I believe St. John’s will give me the best opportunity to do just that. Now, I keep my library card thin and toned, exercising it regularly. The workers at our local bookstores know me by name, and I keep business booming all the time. My house has always been full of books, from P.D. Eastman and Dr. Seuss to an ‘80s edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica my parents rescued from a sidewalk and the entire Great Books collection we inherited from my grandmother. When a book is read, a bond forms between author and reader. The author speaks, and the reader listens as they weave together the holes the author leaves them to fill. While the author’s words may be constant, the reader is the true variable. When you have more than one reader together, you have each dimension they bring to the book . Later that night, we will still be there, night old, tea cold, but the interest will never fade. The night is loudest when at its quietest, and as I lay there, closing the last page of the book, I will fall asleep knowing tomorrow is a new day, a new adventure.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Essay Questions
Essay Questions Keep your sentences short and should explain the meaning perfectly. Along with linking words, your focus should be on vocabulary as well. Make sure that you are using correct proverbs, words etc. in your essay. If your information is from reliable sources, your chances of getting excellence will get high. It would be safe to assume you need at least one paragraph for each of these. Of course, if there is a lot of information to cover in order to explore each area, you may need more. In most cases, an essay like this will also require you to address main points which may oppose your stand on an issue or topic. We have one narrative essay template in EssayJack, Short Narrative, which you can use to practice getting the flow of a good story. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. I look forward to your feedback and continued support. You have a limit over the word count, therefore, using excessively long speech doesn’t make a sense in a short essay. If it’s the most important aspect informing your conclusion, you can spend a little more time on that particular point. It could run into several paragraphs rather than just one or two. When you are planning your essay, you will think of or research the main elements that are needed in the body text. Ideas which you will present in the essay should be logical, and there should be an easy flow. It is to check for any grammatical or other logical errors. As a short essay is determined by its length, it should have maximum of 3 body paragraphs. Each paragraph can represent one point but, there should be a flow between those paragraphs. The introductory paragraph must introduce the idea which will be discussed in the essay. The first sentence itself should claim the urgency of the topic which becomes worth reading. The statement can be debatable so that opponents will want to argue on your issue. Your introduction should build up the interest of the audience, and it should be clear that what is the topic. The main parts that build up a short essay are introduction, body and a conclusion. This is a rule of thumb, which means it won’t always work quite that way, but it’s handy all the same. In academic work, your paragraphs are likely to be a bit longer than most of the ones you see in this blog post. On average, there are usually 100 to 200 words in a paragraph. So if you’d like a guesstimate, you can assume that a 1,000-word essay will have between five and ten paragraphs. or secondary sources) to back up the points you want to present. Try to go for the websites that end with .edu or .gov. For example, if you are writing on any journalism topic, then go for BBC or other well-known news websites. Always avoid the least reliable sources, such as blogs or random articles. The three paragraphs in the body part should support the thesis statement. As for the conclusion part, it should not only sum up the argument, but it should also lift up the idea presented in the essay. You’re trying to get an A instead of writing something that’s actually good. You’re trying to write something your teacher or professor will like. Also, you can write a transition sentence for each paragraph so it would be faster to structure and band all arguments. However, if you need to submit it to a professor for a review, use sentences. It will help him understand the arguments and evidence you are going to use in your essay. An alphanumeric outline is the most common one, but you are welcome to use a decimal outline structure if it seems clearer and more comfortable for you. Also, feel free to use complete sentences or just brief phrases for each section of your essay outline. Depending on that, you’ll understand what arguments might work for your essay. It will also help you decide on resources to use for research and evidence to choose for your arguments. Consider credible sources such as Google Scholar or Oxford Academic to find references for your essay; take notes of them to use in your outline. As a rule, the only detail bothering those asking how to make an outline for an essay is the process itself. Students understand that an essay outline needs to specify all the main points and arguments of their future paper, but they still find it challenging to create. Restate your thesis and summarize the goal of your paper. To avoid getting tangled up in one aspect of the discussion, you’ll have to decide how long it should be.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
How To Write A 5 Paragraph Essay
How To Write A 5 Paragraph Essay Unhealthy diets and alcohol-fueled accidents are leading causes of death. We let talking heads and sound bites guide our politics, our philosophy, and our way of life. Whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, a talking head is a talking head, and a blind decision is a blind decision, no matter what choice you make. I can’t help but think that if more people read Descartes, Plato, and maybe even the U.S. Constitution, we’d have a higher level of political discourse and a better government. In the classroom, ideas and individuals are honored accordingly. Astoundingly, Johnnies spend every class with individuals who probably have entirely different career goals. In their honest pursuit of truth, they recognize that preparing for a career and to be fully human should be one and the same. Furthermore, they know this largely happens in discussions about Great Books around small tables. On our way back to Murchison, my dorm mates and I compared notes on what we had discussed in our different seminars and talked about Leonidas and the Spartans until lights-out. I want to go to St. John’s because the whole methodology is in such a way that I can begin to love math. Every tutorial and seminar is taught with this same level of depth and understanding. I can see me, a year older, sitting inside, curled up around a book and blanket. The sun has set early, so a lamp is on, shining warm light onto the pages. This may not have hit me with the same depth at age five as it does now, but looking back at Miss Rumphius, I can see the sowing of my current thought processes. The main character is the narrator’s great aunt, not her mother or grandmother. There is no mention of her being involved romantically, marrying, or even considering a family - she is unapologetically independent. I love that teachers and students alike go by the simple formal address. This practice helps to foster an atmosphere of respect and equality in the classroom, giving students the confidence to take intellectual risks. The image of being surrounded by people similar to me thrills me. The knowledge that this may be in my future invigorates me. There is not one book on its own that calls to me, but knowing they are on my horizon fills me with anticipation. At St. John’s math has life, beauty, purpose and in college I don’t want to wonder why the quadratic formula is written the way it is, I want to know. There have been so many times in high school where we’ve been assigned some math problem for homework and I would just be completely confused by it. For me, that answer doesn’t help, but only leaves me more confused and mystified by math. I want all the above because ignorance is a killer, and willful ignorance is the biggest killer we face as a nation. A roommate is across from me reading the same book, and every couple minutes we stop to comment. I stayed up late the night before reading a different book, and though we have only just started reading this one, we are both hooked. We are discovering adventure, one page at a time. Every part of the model and curriculum at St. John’s encourages an honest pursuit of truth, but the classroom discussions most of all. The liturgy of every class-- beginning with a single question and every individual being addressed as Mr. or Ms.-- reflects a zealous love of truth. Having tasted this kind of discussion in high school, I will seek it out the rest of my life. My favorite aspect of studying at St. John’s was the environment of free discussion. The students’ intellectual freedom lived on outside the classroom, inspiring our discussions of the readings over breakfast, during our afternoon free period, and during our evening group meetings. At seven o’clock the first evening, I was treated to my first seminar, and I fell in love with the school as well as its location. We discussed Herodotus’s description of the Battle of Thermopylae. Our tutor, Ms. Shukla, posed the question, “Is bravery reasonable? †My fellow students and I talked more quickly than I could jot down notes, and I left the classroom feeling more energized and awake than I had two hours before.
How To Write A 5 Paragraph Essay
How To Write A 5 Paragraph Essay Unhealthy diets and alcohol-fueled accidents are leading causes of death. We let talking heads and sound bites guide our politics, our philosophy, and our way of life. Whether it is a Republican or a Democrat, a talking head is a talking head, and a blind decision is a blind decision, no matter what choice you make. I can’t help but think that if more people read Descartes, Plato, and maybe even the U.S. Constitution, we’d have a higher level of political discourse and a better government. In the classroom, ideas and individuals are honored accordingly. Astoundingly, Johnnies spend every class with individuals who probably have entirely different career goals. In their honest pursuit of truth, they recognize that preparing for a career and to be fully human should be one and the same. Furthermore, they know this largely happens in discussions about Great Books around small tables. On our way back to Murchison, my dorm mates and I compared notes on what we had discussed in our different seminars and talked about Leonidas and the Spartans until lights-out. I want to go to St. John’s because the whole methodology is in such a way that I can begin to love math. Every tutorial and seminar is taught with this same level of depth and understanding. I can see me, a year older, sitting inside, curled up around a book and blanket. The sun has set early, so a lamp is on, shining warm light onto the pages. This may not have hit me with the same depth at age five as it does now, but looking back at Miss Rumphius, I can see the sowing of my current thought processes. The main character is the narrator’s great aunt, not her mother or grandmother. There is no mention of her being involved romantically, marrying, or even considering a family - she is unapologetically independent. I love that teachers and students alike go by the simple formal address. This practice helps to foster an atmosphere of respect and equality in the classroom, giving students the confidence to take intellectual risks. The image of being surrounded by people similar to me thrills me. The knowledge that this may be in my future invigorates me. There is not one book on its own that calls to me, but knowing they are on my horizon fills me with anticipation. At St. John’s math has life, beauty, purpose and in college I don’t want to wonder why the quadratic formula is written the way it is, I want to know. There have been so many times in high school where we’ve been assigned some math problem for homework and I would just be completely confused by it. For me, that answer doesn’t help, but only leaves me more confused and mystified by math. I want all the above because ignorance is a killer, and willful ignorance is the biggest killer we face as a nation. A roommate is across from me reading the same book, and every couple minutes we stop to comment. I stayed up late the night before reading a different book, and though we have only just started reading this one, we are both hooked. We are discovering adventure, one page at a time. Every part of the model and curriculum at St. John’s encourages an honest pursuit of truth, but the classroom discussions most of all. The liturgy of every class-- beginning with a single question and every individual being addressed as Mr. or Ms.-- reflects a zealous love of truth. Having tasted this kind of discussion in high school, I will seek it out the rest of my life. My favorite aspect of studying at St. John’s was the environment of free discussion. The students’ intellectual freedom lived on outside the classroom, inspiring our discussions of the readings over breakfast, during our afternoon free period, and during our evening group meetings. At seven o’clock the first evening, I was treated to my first seminar, and I fell in love with the school as well as its location. We discussed Herodotus’s description of the Battle of Thermopylae. Our tutor, Ms. Shukla, posed the question, “Is bravery reasonable? †My fellow students and I talked more quickly than I could jot down notes, and I left the classroom feeling more energized and awake than I had two hours before.
Friday, July 31, 2020
How To Write A Great College Application Essay
How To Write A Great College Application Essay A “14†etched on November 15, 2018, marked the first Lakeside Cooking on the Stove Club meeting. What had started as a farcical proposition of mine transformed into a playground where high school classmates and I convene every two weeks to prepare a savory afternoon snack for ourselves. A few months later, a “16†scribbled on February 27, 2019, marked the completion of a fence my Spanish class and I constructed for the dusty soccer field at a small Colombian village. Hard-fought days of mixing cement and transporting supplies had paid off for the affectionate community we had immediately come to love. In the years that followed, this experience and my regular visits to my allergy specialist inspired me to become an allergy specialist. Even though I was probably only ten at the time, I wanted to find a way to help kids like me. I wanted to find a solution so that nobody would have to feel the way I did; nobody deserved to feel that pain, fear, and resentment. As I learned more about the medical world, I became more fascinated with the body’s immune responses, specifically, how a body reacts to allergens. This past summer, I took a month-long course on human immunology at Stanford University. Since I wasn’t an exchange student anymore, I had the freedom--and burden--of finding a new school and host family on my own. After a few days of thorough investigation, I found the Struiksma family in California. I learned about the different mechanisms and cells that our bodies use in order to fight off pathogens. My desire to major in biology in college has been stimulated by my fascination with the human body, its processes, and the desire to find a way to help people with allergies. I hope that one day I can find a way to stop allergic reactions or at least lessen the symptoms, so that children and adults don’t have to feel the same fear and bitterness that I felt. I want to study foreign language and linguistics in college because, in short, it is something that I know I will use and develop for the rest of my life. Other times, I found myself pruning the orchard, feeding the school’s wood furnaces, or my new favorite activity, splitting wood. Throughout those days, I created a new-found sense of home in my head. I began wandering around campus with no company except my thoughts. Occasionally, Zora, my English teacher’s dog, would tag along and we’d walk for miles in each other's silent company. The Happiness Spreadsheet doesn’t only reflect my own thoughts and emotions; it is an illustration of the fulfillment I get from gifting happiness to others. He doesn’t tell us what they mean until the end of the essay, when he writes “I learned and was shaped by each of them.†Note that each essence image is actually a lesson--something he learned from each family. After I finished the exchange student program, I had the option of returning to Korea but I decided to stay in America. I wanted to see new places and meet different people. Then, in high school, I developed an enthusiasm for Chinese. As I studied Chinese at my school, I marveled how if just one stroke was missing from a character, the meaning is lost. I loved how long words were formed by combining simpler characters, so HuÇ' (ç«) meaning fire and ShÄn (å±±) meaning mountain can be joined to create HuÇ'shÄn (ç«å±±), which means volcano. I love spending hours at a time practicing the characters and I can feel the beauty and rhythm as I form them. Volunteering at a cancer treatment center has helped me discover my path. I embraced the pain, the hurt, and eventually, it became the norm. That night, the glow-in-the-dark ball skittered across the ice. My opponent and I, brooms in hand, charged forward. I will never stop traveling, so attaining fluency in foreign languages will only benefit me. In the future, I hope to use these skills as the foundation of my work, whether it is in international business, foreign diplomacy, or translation. We collided and I banana-peeled, my head taking the brunt of the impact. Stubborn as I was, even with a concussion, I wanted to remain in class and do everything my peers did, but my healing brain protested. My teachers didn’t quite know what to do with me, so, no longer confined to a classroom if I didn’t want to be, I was in limbo.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ecological Footprint Of Uganda Is A Country Is East Africa
ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT Ecological footprint is the effect of human activities which is measure in terms of biologically productive land and water which is required to produce the goods produced the goods consumed and assimilate the wastes that are generated, it is essentially the amount of the environment which is necessary to produce the goods and services necessary to support a particular lifestyle. The indicator is an estimate of the amount of space on the earth that an individual uses in order to survive using the existing technology and resources on our planet. The Least Developed Country (LDC) I picked out is Uganda. Uganda is a country is East Africa, it comes under a category of one of the least developed countries because it has a per capita income of under US170$, it is one the poorest countries in the world. The population in Uganda is broadly poor, it is generally difficult for Ugandan families to spend a dollar and it is difficult to take care of their essential needs. 80% of the Ugandans work in agriculture, their main crops cultivated are cotton, corn, tea and coffee. Most of the production in the country is by farmer’s cooperatives, as the environment provides good grazing land for cattle, sheep and goats. Uganda escaped a widespread famine in the late 1970’s and 1980’s because many people including the woman residents resorted to the subsistence cultivation. The life expectancy for women is 58 years while in the US it is 81 years of age- that is a 23 yearShow MoreRelatedImpacts of Tourism Development5737 Words  | 23 Pagesmust be established between these three dimensions to guarantee its long-term sustainability. Thus, sustainable tourism should make optimal use of environmental resources that constitute a key element in tourism development, maintaining essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity; respect the socio-cultural authenticity of host communities, conserve their built and living cultur al heritage and traditional values, and contribute to inter-cultural understandingRead MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words  | 658 PagesSOUND with no links to the local drugs gangs. He even hired a psychoanalyst to cope with the gangland threats that followed his drugs crack-down: If they say ‘we’re going to kill you’, you know what you’re up against. But the threats [from London’s East End drugs gangs] are much more sinister. The word is fed back that if the business is cut off, they will follow you home, go for your family, stab you or murder you.2 But Palumbo persisted in making his club a safer, cleaner environment. During
Friday, May 15, 2020
Obesity Disease Associated With Obesity Essay - 887 Words
1. List all of the diseases noted by the movie that is associated with obesity. To receive credit, this must be a complete list. The diseases associated with obesity are the following: Heart disease, Strokes, high blood pressure, Diabetes, asthma, some cancers, Gallbladder disease, Osteoarthritis, Gout, and Breathing problems such as sleep apnea. 2. Pick one in particular disease noted, and expand on it. Do the research and give etiology, signs, and symptoms. Also, list any treatments that are commonly used for this illness. Diabetes is a disease commonly associated with obesity. It affects how your body handles the sugar glucose in the bloodstream. Most of the people with diabetes have type 2. The other not so severe type is prediabetes. With this type blood glucose is above normal levels but still not high enough to be titled diabetes. Diabetics have something doctors call insulin resistance. With type 2 diabetes your pancreas makes insulin but their bodies don’t utilize it as well as they should. Sugar builds up in your blood as a result. The causes of diabetes are the following: Genetics, obesity, metabolic syndrome, excess amounts of glucose in the liver, bad communication between cells and broken beta cells. Genes are a contributor to some cases of diabetes. Scientists have uncovered bits of DNA that affect how the body makes insulin. Another cause is of course obesity. Being obese or overweight can cause insulin resistance. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes are often mildShow MoreRelatedObesity : A Serious Health Condition1452 Words  | 6 PagesObesity is a serious health condition that, if left untreated, causes serious health conditions. Contrary to popular belief, obesity is more than a condition caused by overeating and lack of exercise (Vallor 2013). Obesity is a disease (Callahan 2013); a disease that Americans are spending about $150 billion on annually (Zamosky 2013). Additionally, changing a person’s diet and exercise regimen may not be effective in some cases of obesity (Vallor 2013). Obesity is not like most well-known diseases;Read MoreObesity And The Body Weight Ideals1241 Words  | 5 Pagesis referred to as normal may not have definite dimensional measures but just arbitrary. Obesity to most people globally may be based on societal body weight ideals. Whatever be the definition of obesity any society, the fact remains that, when has a BMI of over twenty nine, health problems b egin to pile up. The following data on obesity is quoted from the National Institute of Diabetes and digestive diseases (2012). Adults Age 20 and Older 2 More than two-thirds (68.8 percent) of adults are consideredRead MoreObesity And Its Effects On Obesity1637 Words  | 7 Pagescan effects of obesity be. First of all what is an obesity? Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of body fat, usually 20% or more over an individual s ideal body weight. It is a very serious problem and is becoming very dangerous in today’s world. Obesity is now considered to be the second most preventable death in America, with tobacco being the first. As use of tobacco rates continues to decline, the obesity rates continue to rise. With that being said, death numbers of obesity are going to riseRead MoreEffects Of Obesity On The Health834 Words  | 4 Pagesthat is well known is the negative effect of obesity and endometrial cancer. Topic of Interest Obesity negatively impacts the health of women in many ways and is a condition that can be avoided if proper lifestyle changes are made and put into place. Obesity increases the risk of multiple diseases, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, low back pain, knee osteoarthritis, and multiple cancers (Kulie et al., 2011). Since the prevalence of obesity is on the rise, it is vital that all providersRead MoreObesity as a Disease Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesAbstract As a health care professional it is our position statement that obesity should be considered as a disease. Overweight and obese adults are considered at risk for developing diseases such as type II diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease, and certain type of cancers. An average of 300,000 deaths is associated with obesity and the total economic cost of obesity in U.S. was about $ 117 billion in 2000. As health care professionals it is our responsibility toRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On Children Essay1645 Words  | 7 PagesChildhood obesity introduce In addition to the physical harm, obesity and negative psychological impact on children. This is a high risk factors of childhood obesity, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Obese children always lower than that of healthy children intelligence and operators. Their activities, learning and communication ability is very low, and their depression and low self-esteem can make the children s sensitivity to interpersonalRead MoreObesity As A Disease Essay1378 Words  | 6 Pages(36.5%) of adults in the United States are obese. Obesity is defined as a weight that is higher than what is considered as a healthy weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) is used as a screening tool for overweight and obesity. According to the World Health Organization, worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980. In 2016, 39% of women and 29% of men over the age of 18 were overweight. Today, around one in five children, ages 6-19 are obese. The obesity epid emic only continues to worsen in the United StatesRead MoreObesity And Methods Of Prevention1631 Words  | 7 PagesOmer Professor Pozos Biology 100 9 December 2014 Obesity and Methods of Prevention In the United States alone, there are more than 78.6 million obese adults. Obesity is a disease that is growing rapidly and has the ability to rip families apart due to the massive destruction it causes to one’s health. Obesity is a very deadly disease and it needs to be stopped. But are there ways to prevent it and save many lives? In this essay, I will explain obesity from a biological perspective and state the differentRead MoreThe Effects Of Obesity On Health Economics Of The United States1024 Words  | 5 Pagesresearch paper explores the impact of obesity on health economics of the United States at a national level. There is a brief description on obesity and related health conditions. The topic discussion includes the prevalence of obesity and its associated medical expenditure in the present and future. It reports on how obesity as a current epidemic has affected United States. The paper’s main focus is on the total federal and state revenue utilization, in regards to obesity. It illustrates various methodsRead MoreShould Junk Food Be Taxed More?1738 Words  | 7 Pagesfor reasons such as Obesity, Diabetes, and High Blood Pressure, etc. These health risks are linked to the consumption of Junk Food, which is consumed every day by many Americans. â€Å"10 percent tax would reduce consumption of soda by 8 to 10 percent.†Even though some people believe that Junk Food Tax won’t curb the many diseases linked to it, Junk Food Taxes could decrease the risks of diseases, limit consumption due to prices and bring awareness to many common diseases like Obesity. Junk Food should
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Class Conflict - 1431 Words
Introduction: This essay aims to examine the extent to which class conflict affects education and life opportunities. The following paragraphs seek to illustrate how factors such as class position and parental attitudes affect education and life opportunities among different social classes and the conflict that lies between them. In order to understand the content of this essay it is first necessary to understand all of the possible variables involved. Throughout this essay I will examine the definitions of class, conflict, education and opportunity. The main body of the essay seeks to highlight the reason as to why people are members of certain classes and the effects this has on their chances for education and life opportunities, using†¦show more content†¦Dating back to Victorian times, lower, middle and upper classes existed. The lower classes would have been made up of the landless labourers. Middle classes would have included the tradesmen i.e. people with a professional skill/qual ification such as a blacksmith. Finally the upper classes would have consisted of the large farmers and business owners. The upper classes would traditionally employed people from the lower classes to run their farms or businesses. Although we have moved on since Victorian times, this social divide hasn’t changed much. There still remains today a prominent divide between the lower middle and upper class people. This can be seen now within the third level education in present days. Due to the economic crisis we are currently experiencing, less and less people are able to afford the luxury of a third level education. Sadly this is hitting the lower and working classes the hardest. Due to government cutbacks grants are being chopped leaving the less fortunate members of our society starved for further education. How does the conflict between different social classes effect education and life opportunities? As mentioned in the introduction class position and parental attitudes play a vital role in the effect that class conflict has on education and life opportunities. It has been proven that class position has a huge effect on parental attitudes in getting involved with their children’sShow MoreRelatedClass Conflict And Class Conflicts1522 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Class warfare, also referred to as class conflict or class struggle, is a form of social tension caused by conflicting and competing socioeconomic interests between people of different classes†(Zinn, 19). According to Karl Marx and several scholars, this struggle provides the lever for radical social change and development. Class conflict comes in many forms: direct and indirect violence such as wars, starvation, illness and poor working conditions; ideological, such as the production of articlesRead MoreSocial Conflict Theory : Class Conflict Essay1299 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual’s lives outweigh that service. Karl Marx constructed a social conflict theory called class conflict, this theory states that people have one of two basic relationships to the means of production they either own productive property or they labor to others. These different productive roles directly stem from different social classes. When there is severe social stratification, more social conflict arises. Marx predicted that because of this, the working majority would come togetherRead MoreMarx and Class Conflict948 Words  | 4 Pagesthe engine of change in this structure. His was no equilibrium or consensus theory. Conflict was not deviational within society s structure, nor were classes functional elements maintaining the system. The structure itself was a derivative of and ingredient in the struggle of classes. His was a conflict view of modem (nineteenth century) society. The key to understanding Marx is his class definition.1 A class is defined by the ownership of property. Such ownership vests a person with the powerRead MoreEthnic and Class Conflicts in Turkestan Essay1642 Words  | 7 Pagespolitical framework to completely destroy any signs of development. From the reasoning laid above, it becomes clear that the Kazakh-Kyrgyzs were confounded. On the basis of economic and political exploitation of the natives the framework for the social conflicts was created. Kuropatkin in the diary wrote that natives seem to accumulate the inner aversion and detestation towards both the Russian Government and the Russian setters themselves. Brower (1996) emphasises that â€Å"the key factor in the uprisings†Read MoreThe Conflict And Functionalist Theories Behind Social Class1496 Words  | 6 Pagesmaterializes the upper class, vulgarizes our middle class, brutalizes our lower class. In Australia, social class is a widely recognised concept, however some individuals, particularly the wealthy people, will argue that social class in non existent, that with hard work anyone can achieve, what they set their mind onto. The social stratification system, is based on objective criteria, including wealth, power, and prestige. The Australian notion of equal opportunity, insinuates that social class does not affectRead MoreKarl Marx s Class Conflict Theory1710 Words  | 7 PagesKarl Marx’s Class Conflict Theory Introduction Karl Marx believed that struggle or conflict among classes was an inevitable feature of capitalism based on the argument that various groups in a society or social classes perpetually fight and compete for resources and power, hence the groups remains polarized against each other. The Karl Marx’s conflict theory views behavior from the perspective of conflict or tension among two or more groups. The conflict does not necessarily translate to violenceRead MoreSocial Class : The Great Gatsby, Conflicts And Relationships1176 Words  | 5 Pages Social Class is Everything In today’s society, social class plays a large role in who is with who. Celebrity couples and weddings are very commonplace, but the rich and famous rarely marry those who are of the middle, or lower class. If it does happen though, it is usually a rich, older man marrying a young, beautiful woman. This would usually not happen unless the older man was rich, and these relationships do not usually last very long. Along with this, some people in foreign countries still practiceRead MoreMarx s Theory On Class Conflict And Society Essay1453 Words  | 6 Pagestheory mostly emphasis on class conflict and the society from economic aspects. This essay will first analyze Marx’s theory in detail. Then I will explain how economy and social conflict related to Marx’s theory along with the role of these factors in the capitalist society. Marx defined social class as the class which sets the scene and moves things forward. He sometimes talked about there are only two classes: Bourgeoisie and proletariat, the class-in-itself and the class-for-itself, sometimes talkedRead MoreThe Class Conflict Theory Proposed By Karl Marx1571 Words  | 7 PagesThe Class Conflict Theory proposed by Karl Marx explains that society changes due to the need for human beings to have a higher level of social class. This is essentially a framework developed by Marx that he aimed to use to explain the mode of social stratification happening during his time, its root causes, and its main effects. Marx had a unique view on the nature of different social classes. He believed that there are only two social classes where people can belong (Marx McLellan, Karl MarxRead More An Analysis of Class and Gender Conflict in Pygmalion Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesPygmalion is a serious analysis of class and gender conflict. Bernard Shaws play, entitled Pygmalion, transcends the nature of drama as a medium to be utilized for sheer entertainment value. Shaws play powerfully comments on the capacity for the individual to overcome the boundaries established by systems of class and gender. Dominant assumptions and expectations may essentially prevent an individual from becoming socially mobile within a seemingly rigid hierarchical social structure. However
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
US Foreign Policy
Question: How interested each candidate is in particular foreign policy issues. Does the content analysis reflect the major issues each candidate lists on their websites? How much time are the candidates spending talking about foreign policy issues in comparison to domestic issues? Does anything from the content analysis surprise you? Answer: Introduction The 58th quadrennial US presidential election to be held in November 2016 has been in the news for the battle between the two candidates. The two candidates of the upcoming presidential election are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Clinton has been in the political scenario since a long time and on the other side, Trump is a successful business. Both the candidates have been fighting the war of election proposing their respective views on different prospective. Some of the important issues of that the world is facing in the recent scenario and the approach made by the election candidates will be discussed in this paper. Summary of the foreign policy issues Taking out ISIS: The history of formation of ISIS and its link with the West is long and debatable. Before the group was branded as ISIS, the group was known by US intelligence authority as al-Qaeda. Influence of ISIS had actually expanded since the time US-led coalition intervened in Iraq and Syria for the first time. West claimed that the group armed only the moderate rebels but the mal-effect of the groups activity has been seen increasing. The US-led coalition wanted to encourage democracy in Syria and end supporting the al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist group. The conflict related to ISIS has become a global issue that made leaders from around the world to focus on combating the crisis. Sticking with Allies: Sticking with the existing parties irrespective of the fact who comes to power and wins the battle of presidential election shall be one of the approaches of the presidential election candidate. In a democratic nation, keeping allies with the other parties is necessary. Both the candidates have showed positive response towards keeping allies with the other parties. While Clinton focused on the factor that the social and environmental evil can be combated only when a collaborative approach will be taken; Trump showed certain kind of overconfidence towards solving the foreign issues all by himself without any major support from allies. Preventing Iran from Nuclear arms: The nuclear crisis of Iran has been in the news since a long time. The world has witnessed failed negotiation between Iran and other developed nations such as UK, France and Germany. Recent approach made by Iran showed their encouragement towards making nuclear weapons and first nuclear bomb. However, certain factors like devastating fall down of Irans economy in the oil and banking sector has considerably led to the decision of ending the nuclear issue with other nations. Critical assessment of the foreign policy proposal This part of the paper will focus on the way by which candidates have listed the issues in their websites. Both the candidates are highly active in their respective websites and has been using it a forum to reach people and deliver their point of view. The candidates criticize each other on the approaches put forward by the other. These facts are quite evident in their websites with the articles and the videos that are opened for the public view. The official website of Hillary Clinton depicts the steps that she determines to take regarding the issues related to sticking to the alliance. According to the statement, she strongly believes in strong alliance and committing to the values that make America great (Hillary Clinton 2016). In fact, she has proposed that in order to fight with the increasing terror, it is vital to make an approach of coalition. Keeping the perspective of ISIS into consideration, Trump showed an aggressive and destroying approach towards ISIS and the combating terrorism (DONALD J. TRUMP Issues). Clinton showed a collaborative approach towards fighting the ISIS and coming to a proper conclusion. She has proposed certain steps to support the local Arabs and taking out ISIS from the homeland. A diplomatic strategy aimed to solve the civil war of Syria and Sectarian conflict of Iraq between the Sunnis and the Shias. All these approaches have been found from the end of Clinton but Trump failed to show such c oncerns in his campaigns. Clinton in her speech told that she would require help from the allies and fight together against the increasing terrorism and its impact in the world Hillary (On Combating Terrorism and Keeping the Homeland Safe). In respect to sticking to the allies, both the candidates have shared their respective views. It has been proposed by Clinton that sticking with the allies of America will benefit the countries. Criticizing the approaches made by Trump, Clinton commented that a billionaire business man would never understand the needs and requirements of a country or a world (Hillary Clinton 2016). Trump has been looking forward to make America great again criticizing the policies and the approaches made by Congress. There might be certain point of time when Trump showed positive attitudes towards making allies with other parties but the approaches did not seem to be genuine and appear to be a superficial impact to win trust of his supporters and win the election (DONALD J. TRUMP Issues). Congress has been working with the allies throughout their political regime and the same can be easily expected from their side. On the other hand, such approach from Trump is highly suspicious and controversial. Congress has been debating with the concept of nuclear agreement and has been trying to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons that would otherwise prove harmful for the nation. In the recent perspective, no such approaches have been found from the side of Trump. At certain instances, Clinton has been found to talk on nuclear acts. The bargaining of buying nuclear weapons from Iran has been going on for a long time. At major times, there have been provisions for making allies with Iran regarding nuclear deal (Hillary Clinton 2016). Clinton has spoke out to defend them against any kind of terror attack that might take place as a result of the nuclear deal with Iran but no such approaches have been found from the end of Trump. The deal is based on creating an ally with the other nations rather than gaining nuclear power. If such approach is made in future, the world will witness a better collaborative approach. The long drawn Iranian conflict can finally come to a conclusion. Conclusion: The conclusion part highlights the fact that which candidate might be a better choice for the nation. By the end of the discussion it can be concluded that the approaches made by Clinton are more reliable and acceptable. There is a sense of trust and amenity developed towards the promises made by the lady. On the other hand, there is a sense of violence and rivalry in the speech delivered by him. Recent reports claimed that Clinton has also proposed to invest in the infrastructure and would seek to reduce the income inequality. Therefore, apart from foreign policies certain domestic approaches have also been made by Clinton that would be beneficial for the nation. It can be concluded that Clinton could be a better candidate for this presidential election. Apart from the foreign policies, the candidates also focused on certain domestic policies that would bring prosperity to the nation. Proposal has been made to strengthen the military and the defense of the country and fight against increasing terrorism. Trump has also tried to portray the fact that he has better domestic plans for America and coming to power would help the nation to prosper in its own way. The promises and commitment made by Clinton seems to be more appreciating than that made by Trump. References "DONALD J. TRUMP Issues" N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Aug. 2016. "Hillary Clinton 2016" N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Aug. 2016. "Hillary On Combating Terrorism And Keeping The Homeland Safe" N.p. 2016. Web. 7 Aug. 2016. "SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR DONALD J. TRUMP" N.p., 2016. Web. 7 Aug. 2016.
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